Licensed & Insured 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
EIN: 47-3345247
Phone: (754)551-5459 | Mobile: (954) 770-8369
Donations are tax deductible
Ways to Give (Credit Card or Checks) Secure Payment provided by First Data Corp
Donate by Mail Donate by Phone: Call: (754)551-5459
Make check payable to: Jewels Foundation Inc. Pay By ZELLE :
P.O. Box 590274
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33359
PLEDGE ONLINE - Support our Foundation by becoming a sustaining member and schedule your gift! donate monthly; or set a revolving amount every three months; or a one-time payment... We appreciate the contributions of our supporters
Thank you for supporting Jewels Foundation Inc: We rise by lifting others. The lives we change and the progress we make are due to your generosity.
Thank You for Your Generous Gift!
Giving is not just about making a donation, it about making a difference
A successful and rewarding education is still the desire and dream of many students. We ask you to become an annual contributor; or a one-time donor to assist the Foundation in providing “Excellence with Caring.” The Foundation is committed to its legacy of providing leadership and financial assistance to academically excellence students at the high school level.
As a nonprofit organization, Jewels Foundation Inc. relies on the generous contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations, and public agencies to support our programs. Become part of our TEAM as a donor. Support our mission by contributing to Jewels Foundation Inc., Fund. Be a financial partner in our quest to providing assistance to academically excellence students with a financial need. We are extensively involved in our recipient’s educations that include community development, social justice, healthcare, professional, sports and technical services.
The Jewels Foundation mission is to assist students with expense such as: Tuition, School Supplies, Exam Fees, Housing, Articles of Clothing - (uniforms, athletic gears etc.), and more. Your generous support will impact the lives of our students, who benefit from our programs, exhibits, and educational resource. Our recipients rely on the generous contributions of our sponsors to provide them with the resources and cultural experiences to become tomorrow’s leaders. It is our hope that you will support the Foundation.